Дефаянт Ван-Дункельхайт
Ніякого миру без звільнення Криму та Донбасу від рашистів!
День народження:
12 травня 1988 р
○ Додаткова інформація
Особиста інформація
Улюблена музика:
Symphonic Death Metal, Melodic Black Metal, Symphonic Black Metal, Baroque, Rococo
Улюблені книжки:
Anatole France - The Revolt of the Angels, Alex Kainit, http://yun.complife.info/
Улюблені ігри:
Divinity: Original Sin, Witcher, Fallout: New Vegas, Overlord, Dungeon Keeper, Ori and the blind forest, Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, Neverwinter Nights
Улюблені цитати:

"Maintenant, grâce à nous, le vieux Dieu est dépossédé de son empire terrestre et tout ce qui pense sur ce globe le dédaigne ou l’ignore. Mais qu’importe que les hommes ne soient plus soumis à Ialdabaoth si l’esprit d’Ialdabaoth est encore en eux, s’ils sont à sa ressemblance, jaloux, violents, querelleurs, cupides, ennemis des arts et de la beauté ; qu’importe qu’ils aient rejeté le Démiurge féroce, s’ils n’écoutent point les démons amis qui enseignent toute vérité, Dionysos, Apollon et les Muses. Quant à nous, esprits célestes, démons sublimes, nous avons détruit Ialdabaoth, notre tyran, si nous avons détruit en nous l’ignorance et la peur.
Et Satan se tournant vers le jardinier:
— Nectaire, tu as combattu avec moi, avant la naissance du monde. Nous avons été vaincus parce que nous n’avons pas compris que la victoire est Esprit et que c’est en nous et en nous seuls qu’il faut attaquer et détruire Ialdabaoth.”
- Anatole France

“Every effect that one produces gives one an enemy. To be popular one must be a mediocrity.”
- Oscar Wilde

"There will come soft rains and the smell of the ground,
And swallows circling with their shimmering sound;
And frogs in the pool singing at night,
And wild plum trees in tremulous white;
Robins will wear their feathery fire,
Whistling their whims on a low fence-wire;
And not one will know of the war, not one
Will care at last when it is done.
Not one would mind, neither bird nor tree,
If mankind perished utterly;
And Spring herself when she woke at dawn
Would scarcely know that we were gone."
- Sara Teasdale

«"People are all the same anywhere," he made a wry face. "Some of them may have better education, or better manners, or more money - which means, more possibilities to do stupid and destructive things. But their true nature is the same. It can only be hidden under a thin unnatural coating of culture until the time comes."
"Do you know a fable? A bee and a fly are arguing about the same place. 'It's all flowers and nectar!' says the bee. "No," says the fly, 'it's all shit!'"
"You want to say that I am the fly?" he squinted.
"I want to say that everyone finds what he is searching for."
"Wrong," he snapped. "Your analogy is wrong. For a fly, shit is good. Just like nectar for a bee. So both characters of your fable are happy. I am not. I don't like shit, and I never looked for it. I just see it. Smell it. Live in it."
"And no nectar?"
"Well, I can tell you a fable, too. If you mix a pound of honey and a pound of shit, what will you get? The answer is: two pounds of shit. And, actually, it's not even a 1 to 1 proportion. It's much worse."»
-from "See Paris and Die" by George Right
Про себе:
Full name: Kai Defiant Maledictus van Dunkelheit
(ua & ru: Кай Дефаянт Маледикт ван Дункельхайт)
Video game nerd.
Fan of mechanical keyboards.

«I have my right to hate,
And nobody can
Deny it - nor the state,
Nor any single man.

I have my mind and mood,
And nobody may
Command me what I should
And what I should not say.

I have my right to call
Whomever how I want,
I care not at all
If you agree or don't.

I will express my views
On any theme or case,
However they abuse
Religion, sex or race.

Unless it's not my job
To fit your faith and fears,
Don't try to shut my gob -
Just shut your own ears.

You have your right to hate
My views, my look, my name
And speak of it - that's great,
Our rights are just the same.

Don't read what you detest,
But don't suppress to write;
Unless I'm not your guest,
Don't tell me what is right.

All failed who tried to cut
The thoughts from other's head;
Where mouths are kept shut,
Guns start to speak instead.»
- by George Right
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